Weight Management
Lose weight naturally and keep it off for life!
Our goal is to teach you how to eat and exercise based on YOUR body health to achieve long term success.
This program is designed to help you lose weight and learn a healthful and smart approach to keeping it off for life.
Our NDs are well versed in clinical nutritional and dietary counseling. Food as medicine is important to us and we excel in helping patients learn how to eat for their individual needs.
We run comprehensive blood work to evaluate each patients metabolic status and tendency. We take comprehensive history and may look at epigenetics and family history trends to help us determine the best eating plan for you. We give dietary guidelines and exercise prescription parameters for patients desiring to lose weight. We have nutritionists that we refer to for meal planning. We also may utilize higher levels of interventions such as HCG for the patient who desires this. Our MD on staff is skilled with this treatment for weight loss.
Call NatureMed today to get started: 303-884-7557.