Benefits of Adequate Testosterone Replacement

Dr. Sasha Fluss, ND at NatureMed Clinic Boulder/Denver
While we have posted many great articles and blogs on the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy I felt compelled to share this success story to exemplify the real life benefits of correcting deficient hormone levels.
Patient John Doe came to the clinic with the following concerns:
- low libido
- low confidence (patient explained he used to be very confident at work giving presentations etc but in the past years has had more and more anxiety with this)
- anxiety
- depression
- insomnia
J.D. used to be very active and competed at a high level in a variety of sports. After an unfortunate injury that left him confined to bed rest for for months he felt he never recovered.
He felt irritable and also depressed. His libido suffered and he gained weight. He felt as though all he wanted to do was sit and watch tv all day. His confidence at work and in sports was greatly affected and he couldnt sleep. He felt like he had:
lost the drive and passion for life that he had so much of before!
He was told he had depression, anxiety and insomnia and needed to excercise to lose the weight. His doctor put him on Welbutrin and Lithium to bring his mood up and Seroquel and Trazadone to make him sleep at night.
After being on this cocktail of drugs and still not feeling better, J.D. started to do some research for himself.
We tested J.D.’s testosterone levels right away along with estradiol, prostate antigens and other blood work to determine underlying cause.
J.D. has been supplementing with Testosterone and in the past month:
- Has been able to discontinue Seroquel, Trazadone, Wellbutrin without incident and is planning on slowly tapering off Lithium with the prescribing doctor.
- Feels like he is finally back to how he used to be.
- Energy is great, motivation is high, he has been working out at the gym again, lost weight and regained his confidence. He no longer struggles with low mood or anxiety which was once debilitating.
Often undertreated and under diagnosed low testosterone is a common issue among men and women, learn more about it on our website or give us a call at NatureMed Clinic at 303-884-7557 for more info.