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Category: Women’s Health

  • Posted By:

    Kelly Parcell

  • Category:

    Women's Health

Most patients who come to see me are looking to prevent taking medications for their health concerns. Whether it be high cholesterol, heart disease, or osteoporosis, they want to do anything they can to avoid having to take medication. Medications that have been in the pharmaceutical industry and used on the world's population for decades, such as Synthroid, Lisinopril, Rosuvastatin, and Metformin are simple medications with minimal side effects that have been demonstrated to prevent disease progression. Yet because they are pharmaceuticals, people are afraid of them. The Lure of Weight Loss Drugs When it comes to weight loss, it's a different story. Women come in to see me wondering if the medications they are reading about on the internet are safe for them to use. They often have taken the ‘healthy diet’ route and it was too hard, and did not result in enough weight loss. They want more. They want a quick fix. Even if it means injecting themselves with medications that have very little time-tested data in human use. Surgery for Obesity Prior to 1985, obesity was thought to be a result of lifestyle choices. In 2013, the American Medical Society recognized it as a chronic disease....

  • Posted By:

    Kelly Parcell

  • Category:

    Women's Health

NatureMed Clinic and Dr. Kelly Parcell are excited to announce a specialized upcoming program. The Vital Female virtual sessions will focus on women's health topics such as nutrition, sleep, bone and heart health, hormones, and more. Program: Vital Female Duration: 8-week intensive program. 90 minute weekly sessions. Sessions are recorded for participants. Platform: Virtual, Zoom Dates: August 22 to October 10 Days: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm Cost: $1,120 Registration: This program has concluded. Contact NatureMed Clinic about future programs: 303-884-7557   [embed][/embed]   Dr. Kelly Parcell has led her practice rooted in the principles of naturopathic medicine leading with Docere: Doctor As Teacher. She is committed to teaching patients about their bodies, what is happening, and how to fix it. She believes strongly in the patient-doctor relationship and learns as much from her patients as they do from her. What is most important in a woman’s health is the underlying metabolic state and no hormone, pill, or potion will work well without the foundations of health being addressed.   Session Format: Introduction Topic discussed Q/A Plan/challenge Closing remarks/questions/comments   Vital Female Weekly Session Topics: Food & Hydration How much water should I drink and when? Different types of water and more. Vegan...

  • Posted By:

    Kelly Parcell

  • Category:

    Women's Health

Most of us will do anything that will help us lose weight and feel better. Intermittent fasting has become so popular, it now seems as if everyone is doing it! Intermittent fasting is touted as helping with weight loss, extending your lifespan, fighting cancer, and preventing heart disease. Let’s take an in-depth look at this practice. What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is a modern timing method of fasting. Fasting is defined as simply going without food and drink for a period of time. Intermittent fasting has been extrapolated from fasting rituals in ancient times for cleansing the body and enhancing the spirit. Fasting to extend our lifespan is a more modern idea. Intermittent fasting is touted as a way to extend life, cure cancer, lower blood pressure, lose weight, and decrease inflammation. There are many versions or patterns of fasting to consider. The most popular pattern of intermittent fasting is the 16-hour overnight fast, followed by eight hours of eating during the day. If you cannot tolerate the idea of not eating and the hunger pains that come with it, then this is the easiest way to start because you will sleep through the discomfort! Another common pattern of...