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There is a lot of information out there on coconut oil.  Lots of sources label it as a “health food” with a variety of great health benefits. Others seem less convinced. It is in fact, a saturated fat. Haven’t we learned those are bad for you? We get this question a lot at Naturemed: Is coconut oil good for you? And should I be eating it. As with all health topics, usually the answer is not black and white. And the same is true with co...
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    Kelly Parcell

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    Low Testosterone

Hormone pellet therapy has been around since the 1930s. In 2008, the FDA approved a bioidentical testosterone pellet therapy designed exclusively for men. Because of the effectiveness of this method for administering testosterone, it has become increasingly popular for both men and women.  NatureMed has been offering testosterone replacement with pellets since 2010. In both men and women, testosterone has been shown to increase energy, reliev...
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    Integrative Cancer Support

Dr Sasha Fluss, ND at NatureMed Boulder/Denver   Its January, the holiday buzz has faded, replaced with new years resolutions and those few extra pounds that seem to have appeared. Now that the dinners and parties are over many people are looking for a way to cleanse and lose weight after over indulging during the holidays. Diets and weightloss supplements are everywhere but by far the biggest buzz word in the last while has been the P...
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    Steve Parcell

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Being male puts a patient at increased risk of getting cardiovascular disease (CVD) mostly because men get CVD approximately 10 years earlier then women. Increased risk begins at 55 for men and 65 for women. Hormonal factors are hypothesized to be responsible for this difference in risk. Overall risk of hypertension does differ appreciably between men and women. Because hypertension is an important modifiable risk factor one could argue that aggr...
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    Steve Parcell

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    Preventive Cardio

I started specializing in preventive cardiology about 15 years ago. Prior to this I did general medicine in addition to optimal aging medicine, wellness, and the treatment of severe chronic diseases. One thing I noticed is that almost no one did preventive cardiology. All that I was seeing were prescriptions for blood pressure medications and cholesterol drugs, but not much else. I saw some practitioners encouraging diet and exercise and even off...